Ten thousand dollars for information — Odesa resident tried to bribe a border guard

Evaders tried to bribe a border guard in Odesa
Law enforcement officers detain suspect. Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The organizer of the scheme to smuggle evaders to unrecognized Transnistria tried to involve a border guard in his deals. But he immediately reported the attempted bribery to the department's internal security officers.

This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Generous offer

A resident of Odesa promised a border guard $10,000 for information about the location of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine units. He gave the serviceman a $2,000 deposit confirming the seriousness of his intentions.

Десять тисяч доларів за інформацію — одесит намагався підкупити прикордонника - фото 1
Law enforcement officers detain suspect. Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The organizer was detained in one of the settlements of Rozdilnyanskyi district. He tried to smuggle two men across the border. Each of them had to pay the "guide" $6,000.

Десять тисяч доларів за інформацію — одесит намагався підкупити прикордонника - фото 2
Marked money. Photo: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

The punishment for violators

The organizer was informed of suspicion of illegal people smuggling across the border and offering a bribe to an official. The maximum penalty for these crimes is five years in prison. The man is currently in custody with the right to post bail in the amount of 180 thousand UAH. Administrative protocols were drawn up against the evaders.

It should be reminded that two men were detained in the Odesa region who impersonate the fathers with many children. Another channel for smuggling evaders abroad was also blocked in the region.

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