We are approaching a critical point — the war is destroying the ecology of Odesa region

Air quality in Odesa region deteriorates due to war
Clouds over the city. Photo: illustrative/freepik

Military operations contribute to an increase in greenhouse gas levels in the air. This causes climate change and destruction of the natural environment. Environmentalists have calculated the damage caused to Odesa and Mykolaiv regions. 

This is stated in the report of the State Ecological Inspectorate of the Southwestern District.

Disappointing figures

According to the Inspectorate, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Odesa and Mykolaiv regions have burned down:

  • 7.8 tons of oil, oil products, and gas;
  • 5 hectares of forest and other plantations;
  • 2.3 million square meters of other facilities.

The fires released 3 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air.

"War is not only a human tragedy, but also a climate catastrophe. The increase in greenhouse gas levels due to military operations is bringing us closer to a critical point, after which climate change may become irreversible," the organization reported.

What to do in case of contamination

  • limit your time outdoors;
  • keep windows closed;
  • turn on air humidifiers and refrain from airing out the room;
  • avoid playing sports outdoors;
  • increase fluid intake to 2-3 liters per day for adults;
  • avoid using personal vehicles and opt for public transportation instead.

As a reminder, the air in Odesa has an increased concentration of harmful PM2.5 particles. Also, heavy metals and other hazardous substances were found in the soil of Mykolaiv region. 

повітря клімат Одеська область екологія Миколаївська область