Ukrainian Navy to receive new ships — when and what kind

The Ukrainian Navy will be replenished with new ships
Ada-class corvette. Photo: Teksty

Ukraine will order new warships from partner countries. We are talking about corvettes, patrol vessels, and speedboats. Their purchase is planned for the coming year.

This is stated in the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Maritime Security Strategy of Ukraine.

Strengthening the fleet

The strategy envisages the construction of two Ada-class corvettes in Turkey. These are analogs of the existing Ivan Mazepa and Ivan Vyhovsky ships. In addition, five MRPV multipurpose patrol vessels will be ordered from Denmark. Four of them will be part of the Navy and another will be used by the Maritime Rescue Service. The plan also includes the purchase of high-speed patrol boats with attack capabilities.

Other points include increasing the production of Neptune anti-ship cruise missiles. It should be noted that it was this missile that destroyed the Russian cruiser Moskva.

As a reminder, the Netherlands will provide Ukraine with an Alkmaar-class minesweeper Makkum (M857). In addition, the Ukrainian Navy's division of mine countermeasures ships will be replenished with at least five vessels. Two of them have already been handed over to Ukraine, although they cannot yet enter the Black Sea. Three more will be handed over in the near future.

Turkey Odesa Navy Black sea ship Denmark