The night attack of the Shahed drones on Chornomorsk — a photo report by Novyny.LIVE

Night attack on Odesa region: photo of the consequences
Portrait of a family whose apartment burned down. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska

The small town of Chornomorsk in Odesa region experienced a difficult night. Since midnight, the Russians attacked it with kamikaze drones, one of which hit a high-rise building in a residential area. People were sleeping in their beds and miraculously were not injured when the UAV crashed into their balcony, where the fire started.

Novyny.LIVE journalists saw what the house looks like now.

Drone attack

Residents of Chornomorsk said that they still cannot recover from this hit, because everything happened very quickly and there were only a few minutes to react somehow. Most of the people hid in corridors and entrances, which helped them to save themselves.

Діти граються на майданчику. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
Children play on the playground. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska
Уламки збитого дрона. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
Debris of a downed drone. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska
Кімната у квартирі згоріла від влучання дрона. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
The room in the apartment burned down after being hit by a drone. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska
  • Знищені речі на балконі. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    Destroyed things on the balcony. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
  • Розбиті дроном квартири. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    Apartments destroyed by a drone. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
  • Знищені на тумбочці особисті речі. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    Personal belongings were destroyed on the bedside table. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
  • Розкидані уламки дрона. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    Scattered wreckage of the drone. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
  • Розкидані речі на підвіконні. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    Scattered things on the windowsill. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
  • Вигоріла білизна на сушарці. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    Burned laundry on the dryer. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
  • Вид з дитячого майданчика на наслідки влучання. Фото: Новини.LIVE/ Юлія Браславська
    View from the playground on the consequences of hit. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/ Yulia Braslavska
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Got away only with shock

The house itself was almost undamaged. Burnt apartments on three floors can be seen from the outside. Fortunately, the residents of the neighboring high-rise buildings were only frightened by the loud noises.

"I live on the ninth floor. My grandson told me that it's better to hide. Well, I managed to go down to the fourth floor when the explosion rang out. Everything survived, thank God, only the cat was very scared," Viktoria Prokopivna said.

Мешканка сусіднього будинку Вікторія Прокопівна. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
The resident of the neighboring house Viktoria Prokopivna. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yuliya Braslavska
Наслідки дробової атаки на Чорноморськ. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
Consequences of the drone attack on Chornomorsk. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska

And the city itself is gradually returning to normal life. Electricity and water supply have already been restored in the house, so people are putting their homes in order. Only the owners of completely burned-out housing will spend the night outside the city, and from tomorrow they will start rebuilding.

Кімната, у якій спали люди. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
A room where people slept. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska
Сімейний портрет біля ліжка. Фото: Новини.LIVE/Юлія Браславська
Family portrait by the bed. Photo: Novyny.LIVE/Yulia Braslavska

It should be reminded, that as a result of the night attack of the Russians in Chornomorsk, apartments on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors were on fire, which covered an area of ​​100 square meters.

Explosions also rang out in Odesa itself. The Russians attacked the city with ballistic missiles that hit the port infrastructure.

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